Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Congress should be FIRED!

I am sick of it...

Congress and the President are "angry" about how all of this bailout money is getting spent. THEY are angry. THAT IS OUR MONEY!

And the President wants us to "channel" our anger "productively" by giving them even MORE POWER to fail at their jobs and reach further into our lives. PLEASE! Here is the truth. Congress had all of the power they needed to avoid this and they completely failed. So now they want more so they can do more? They can't handle the power they have and they want more power. They can't manage the mess they are creating! The bottom line is that they are handing out the cash, the cash that is supposed to stimulate our country and this is the result. FAIL!

So the mantra of this current presidential regime has become... SPEND, TAX, BORROW, FAIL, (REPEAT).

If you haven't bothered to pay attention, in the first 50 days of this new White House Obamistration Congress has voted for $1.2 trillion in new government spending. As Senator Mitch McConnell has said, "To put that in perspective, that's about $4 billion a day" and most of it is borrowed.

So where the heck is all this money coming from while average Americans are struggling as is our economy? According to RNC Chairman Michael Steele, the new budget includes a massive $1.4 trillion tax increase along with more than a half billion dollars raised in new energy taxes that will be passed along to consumers. The rest will come from borrowing. And who do we borrow from? Countries like China.

Do the math!

We are selling our debt to the highest bidding foreign nation so that Congress can mismanage the largest Federal spending-spree in American history.

What does this do for America? It immediately lowers the trust of nations toward America because we are quickly becoming that over-leveraged friend that looks more and more like a bad investment. The BBC the other day exclaimed that America, at a time when it should be putting out its economic fires, is spending money remodeling the firehouse.

Now be honest with yourself! I lent my debit card to a relative one day so that they could run to the store and pick up an item for a little get-together. I figured they were doing all of us a favor and I decided to entrust that person with my bank account. An hour later the person came back with bags of stuff that weren't remotely on the menu. Somewhere between not feeling the pressure of all of that money coming out of their own personal pocket and them knowing that there was no chance they would get an oppotunity like this again any time soon, that person went hog WILD with my checking account. At the minimum when I questioned that relative, that individual didn't waste my time telling me how it was the fault of the grocery store. They owned up as having failed to do the intended task. NO BLAME-GAME!

As I type this it ends up that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also paying out huge bonuses like AIG, all of these groups being recipients of bailout money. But that didn't keep stupid Congress railing against Mr. Liddy at AIG (a man that never had anything to do with failing AIG, was brought in under the Bush Administration and paid $1 per year to help bring that company to recovery and assure that it doesn't fully implode and bring down the economy even more.) So again, AIG is trying and failing to do the right thing, Congress is failing and playing the blame-game, but at the same time PROVING that they are GRAND-STANDING by not publicly going after their precious Freddie and Fannie. Hypocracy!

How do we take our government back!?!?
I don't see how we can survive four years of this crap!

1 comment:

cscribes said...

Man Steve, i feel like i wrote this article myself. Maybe that's because you are on the same page as most Americans. And Im sure if i was in a higher tax bracket, really feeling the result of the government's pilfering, i would be even more outraged. But I am outraged for my fellow citizens, and as a server, i will tell you that people are feeling angry and they don't know who to take it out on-- my tips are definitely suffering as a result. Stimulative effect? I think not. More like, Barak Obummer.