Thursday, September 11, 2008

Recently at work a few folks got into some interesting discussion about Obama and McCain and their proposed affect on taxes if they were elected. It was a neat talk and the conversation ended with one person referencing information from

This is where I digress in general from political conversations and back into blogging about technology and everyday life. I am absolutely interested in the election, absolutely intend on voting and would encourage everyone I know to stay engaged in the issues to the best of their ability. What I really like most about is that it seems very bi-partisan. It isn't about being conservative or liberal. It seems to be pretty well dedicated to just figuring out the truth in a political claim. For example, there are claims in TV ads from both candidates that make some compelling points about each other. does a good job bring those claims into context. They are dwarfing my ability to analyze the larger landscape of issues and fact research and so rather than continue to pimp my perspective (which blogs are generally good at doing) I will point folks to them on interesting issues. I am not saying I won't blog about stuff I care about. I am just saying that this site handles facts pretty well and I might just point to them rather than write a 9-page blog on a topic.

So if someone makes a compelling (or frustrating) political claim, I completely encourage everyone to review the research on this site. They could have already addressed it!

Final note: The site does a good job of exposing context. If Obama or McCain references some Associated Press article that says "This candidate has successfully solved issue X," factcheck will also show that the same article also says not-so-flattering contextual comments as well. My hope is that it won't become additional fodder for more rhetoric, but just a better overall view of the political landscape with regard to facts that matter when we go to vote soon!

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