Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who The Heck Is Fred Smith?

Give me a moment to tell you a neat American success story. Many people have heard about famous big business like Federal Express (or FedEx.) Whether you are watching movies like “Cast Away” or shipping your valuables across the planet, there is a very good chance that if you are dedicated to the necessity of getting your package to its destination on time, you likely opted to use FedEx to pull that off. Well, for as many that know FedEx, equally as many likely do not know the story of Fred Smith of Tennessee.

Fred was the son of Frederick C. Smith, founder of Dixie Greyhound Bus Lines (this eventually became “greyhound bus lines”... ever heard of it?) and Toddle House, a cool little diner-style restaurant chain with a twist. While some folks might remember Dixie Greyhound Bus Line, it is Toddle House that is even more amazing. Toddle House while looking like the typical breakfast-only 24/7 diner had an honor-based payment system. What does that mean? It means that you order up your food, enjoy the meal and drop your payment in a box on the way out of the restaurant. Here is a business man that had a mission to transport and feed average Americans and that invested in trusting them and believing in the integrity of the American public! So cool.

Fred Smith's father, Frederick C. Smith died when Fred was only four years old and Fred was raised by his mother and his uncles. As a teenager Fred became a licensed private pilot and eventually earned his way into Yale University where he became friends with future politician John Kerry who shared his affinity for flying at the same time becoming friends with George W. Bush. having a diverse group of friends might have something to do with the fact that Fred also had an affinity for baking and eating pies.

After graduating from college with a bachelor's degree in economics and rather than immediately follow in his father's footsteps and going into business, he decided to serve his country as a U.S. Marine for four years from 1966 to 1969. As U.S. Marine he served two tours of duty in Vietnam, flying with pilots on over 200 combat missions. He left the Marines honorably with the rank of Captain, having been award with the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts.

By 1970 Fred Smith decided to go into business for himself. At first he ventured out, turning a love for flying into purchasing a business that did aircraft maintenance. Don't be confused here. When I say aircraft maintenance don't think I am talking about Boeing or United Airlines. I am talking about a business that employes mechanics that repair aircraft engines. If Joe the Plumber is talking about purchasing a business that employs plumbers, then Fred should be considered Fred the Airplane Mechanic, and he went ahead and bought the business. Then a big turn happened in his life that changed all of ours. Fred was left an inheritance. A $4 million inheritance. Rather than turning around and buying a huge home, or a moving to hollywood, Fred followed in his father's footsteps again and invested in his business, taking it to the next level. By 1971 FedEx was born and Fred invested his $4 million, and raised between $80 - 90 million in venture capital to launch the business with a solid plan. It looks like his love of flying coupled with his bachelors degree in economics played into helping him create a business that now operates in 220 countries employing tens of thousands of Americans.

Fred Smith believes in America and invests in Democracy. Since 1990 FedEx has made over $21 million in political campaign contributions to both Democrats (45% of donations) and Republicans (55%.)

In the case of the 2008 Presidential Election, Fred Smith, a great American hero in times of war and in business by creating jobs in America, decided to back another great American war hero and servant in Washington, D.C. with a rich 30 year history of inspiring change and responsibility, John McCain. You see, Fred knows that McCain will work to preserve the rights of Americans like Fred so that they can inherit money without the threat of the Government taking that inheritance for the purpose of spreading the wealth around. Obama intends to implement an inheritance tax to spread your wealth around. Fred also knows that McCain understands the value and reality that business owners invest in their businesses which means investing in people. In a conversation with economic analyst and Wall Street Journal writer Stephen Moore, Fred Smith said that Obamas plan to increase corporate taxes in America would kill FedExs ability to add more employees to the 30,000 Americans he already employs.

Fred gets it and wants Americans to know that McCain will not use the federal government's power to redistribute wealth, he wants to make the Capital Gains Tax elimination a permanent fixture of America, and reduce taxation on inheritance. Fred Smith supports John McCain's desire to reinvest in America by allowing businesses and businesses owners the freedom of keeping their hard earned money so they can create more employment opportunities.

Read here about how Obama's Capital Gains Tax will negatively affect the Gross National Product for America and as a result hurt the U.S. Dollar at home and abroad:

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