Now, from the title you might be thinking I am refering to the wineyard's of Long Island, but, alas, I am not. I am refering to a number of meetings I attended for the Vineyard church in Long Island. This last weekend I went to a meeting led by my new friend Clint on the "ministry of the prophetic" for a couple churches on Long Island. It was very cool. After the weekend, on the ride home, Jay (my cousin) and I decided to take a detour through NYC (since Long Island is position on the other side of the City) to have dinner so we headed to SoHo where we shopped on the street a bit and ate at Dojo's (a small place I recall having walked past about 10+ years ago but nearly forgot about.) Enjoy the pics.
Clint prepairing to speak at the meeting.

Clint in full stride. It is worth mentioning that as we chatted about the weekend on Thursday night (Clint had started revising some notes for the weekend) the next time I spok with clint on Friday morning, he had been up all night long. Despite that fact, Clint delivered a very cool message that contained a metric ton of thought provoking insights and we had a great time praying together and hearing from the Lord.

In the above picture we were about to enter the city on our little dinner detour through MYC on the way home to Frenchtown, NJ, from Long Island.

The shots are a little dark but it was a sllightly overcast day on a Saturday afternoon. This pic was taken about 1 minute past this awefully dreary moment as we were leaving Queens on the Long Island Expressway. There was this industrial looking building spewing spoke and completely surrounded by acres of graveyard headstones (they wrapped all around the complex and were so may that you couldn't see the ground.) I suppose people in the NYC area have to die and be burried somewhere?

This us Jay and were dropped the Jeep in a corner lot in SoHo and started hitting some stores, street vendors and walking up toward Dojo for dinner.

I am not sure if this shot really captures it, but there is this moment on the street in Soho when the sun is going down that the big billowing older building with their large but ornate architectures seem to glow light out of their windows and while you are still in New York City, you are no longer standing beside the monolithic corporate giants of Manhattan, but a slightly older version of the city with a quaint and more beautiful history. In contrast, while you still might walk by a 200+ year old structure now housing "the GAP," next door there might be a unique magazine store that is filled with every "rag" made around the world, floor to ceiling (even an entire wall devoted to Graphic Design... I am sure I saw jay smile wide-eyed as he wispered "I am overwhelmed...")

A few blocks south of here, and a couple blocks east we parked the Jeep on Broome St. Unbeknownst to us at the time, at least until later when we were drive out toward the Holland Tunnel to go home, we were just one block off of the apartment of the now deceased Heath Ledger. As we were driving out there were flowers stacked against the building and a baracade around the entrance to the apartment. I have to say that there is something personally surreal about being so geographically close to large publicized events like his death. On a more general note, it is always sad when anyone young dies (not to diminish the deaths of older people.) It just seems sad.
[click and drag the image to slide the view around]
View Map of Location for Heath Ledger's Apartment
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